Sunday, July 26, 2009


Travis's little speech at church about what a great time he had at camp and how much he appreciated the church sending him went over very well. He didn't drop the index cards with his notes on them, and he spoke clearly. Between the applause and the compliments afterwards, I think his confidence got a boost -- one more good thing to have come out of the whole camp experience. And Father Kramer gave a very nice homily on the feeding of the five thousand too.

I had the idea today that it might be fun to post weekly accounts of what we are doing for school. Fun for me, that is, as this would not only give me blog fodder, but would also force me to do my planning at a reasonable time (as in, not at 7:00 on Monday morning). We'll see. So, here is a picture of our Tapestry of Grace books for this week.
I am reading Cleopatra and Outcast aloud to both children (Outcast, a Rosemary Sutcliff, is a two week read), and Story of the World is Katie's history spine. We are focusing particularly on Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, Cleopatra, and Octavian this week, as well as continuing learning about the republic/empire and the Roman army.

Our other subjects are:

Katie has finished her first grade grammar and writing books, and I thought we'd wait to start the new ones until next week. She is nearly through her math, but not quite. I haven't started up her new science, either. Travis is still working on Switched on Schoolhouse "Healthquest" computer program for science, and I forgot to include his penmanship, spelling, and logic puzzles books in the picture. Katie will be starting on cursive penmanship and spelling also, but, again, not this week (see what I mean about this forcing me to plan? I really need to plug those subjects into Homeschool Tracker for her -- then we'll do them!). Both kids also have piano and poetry memorization, which are sort of never ending subjects. So there is this week's school, and now I'm off to Cranium!

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