Friday, August 14, 2009

Cats, Etc.

Emma has a new hobby. She sits on the back of Travis's chair, catches the string hanging off the fan light, and tries to turn the light off. Well, she might actually not know what pulling the cord should accomplish, but it is still amusing (to us) to watch her.

And this is for my poor mother, who called me from Maine, concerned that I am really teaching her grandchildren that "pinky out" is the refined way to drink one's tea!

I'm not, really. It's just a bit of silliness we picked up from Johnny Mutton (which I know is not one of your favorites). (But don't you think that a sheep trying to extend his pinky is even the teensiest bit funny?)

Actually, if the children's manners were otherwise so flawless that crooked little fingers when they held teacups were the worst of it, I'd be profoundly grateful. But we'll leave all that for another day!

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