Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Everyday Fun

Katie has been listening to Harry Potter tapes practically nonstop lately. Which is fine except that she finishes her schoolwork long before Travis does, and Travis finds Harry very distracting. She made Harry out of clay yesterday, and then Ginny Weasley. I told her I would like a picture of all the characters together, which was when she told me that she only had one lump of clay, and that she had had to smush Harry to make Ginny. This was a real shame, as Harry was very good.

Ed had accidentally switched off the auto focus on my camera, which is why Katie and Ginny are out of focus. I figured out what was wrong by the time I took the picture of Ron. And we bought a new package of clay.

The kids and I went blueberry picking down the road today. There were loads of berries, and the weather was nice.

(Katie is showing off the beautiful berries she has picked, only you can't see them.)

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