Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Freaky Cat

I was vacuuming this morning when I spotted Emma hiding behind the living room curtain with two of her favorite toys. Not being a cat person, I don't know whether this is normal cat behaviour, but Emma has an obsessive attachment to all things Barbie. Spangled gowns, Ken's trousers, tiny beach bags; she brings all of these downstairs and strews them about the house. These mini-Barbies are her very favorites, though. The brunette is her particular favorite, though she either couldn't find it this morning or stowed it somewhere else. Unfortunately, they are also among Katie's most cherished toys, playing the Children in the endless Barbie family story which Ed and Katie play. So Emma and Katie and I play a sort of game, in which Katie and I daily rescue the little Barbie girls from where they have been hidden, under chairs, behind curtains, and under desks, and return them to Katie's bedroom, and Emma sneaks into Katie's bedroom every time the door is opened and steals them back.

Here Emma has left her dolls and come over to look at the vacuum. Doesn't she look sweet and innocent? But really she is just hoping that I will go blog about her and forget to retrieve the little Barbie girls. And it worked!

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