Friday, September 04, 2009


We knocked off school early today and went to Widow Falls. Lessons were going better than they did yesterday, but that's not saying much. For some reason, the kids have been finding math, poetry, history, Bible study -- just about all our subjects, really -- terribly funny. Something about math today (the kids do separate programs, obviously but they are both working at the table on math at the same time because I like to get math over with as soon as possible) inspired them to oink out the theme songs to all their favorite movies. The decline of the Roman empire has been quite hilarious to them. Poetry, which the kids like to act out and recite in various accents, is generally pretty silly, but this week it has been particularly so. I think it must be the cooler weather.

Anyway, since I am planning to be very virtuous and hard working this weekend and put together our next TOG unit workbooks, I figured I was entitled to take off early today and play. We got to Widow Falls and, as I had hoped, found that we had the whole place to ourselves! I expect it will be packed over the weekend, but today it was ours. The kids slid and splashed, Ed read the newspaper, and I admired the beauties of nature and every thirty seconds or so reminded the kids to be careful on the slippery rocks. I had planned to take pictures, but when I pointed the camera I found that I had left my memory card at home, in the card reader. Digging through the camera bag, I found the old 16 MB card that came with the camera, which I had immediately replaced with a card that held more than five pictures. Turning on the camera, though, I found that the pictures on the card were old, taken in Florida back in 2004. Of course I couldn't just erase them, so instead of more pictures of the kids splashing at Stone Mountain, here are pictures of my babies back when they were much closer to actually being babies, back in Florida.

And finally, Ed's dad called tonight with excellent good news! His doctors have decided that rather than doing triple bypass heart surgery on him, they will just pop in a few stents! Sounds much better, eh? We are so pleased.

1 comment:

Elisheva Hannah Levin said...


The kids were absolutely lovely as young 'uns! And I am glad to hear that your FIL does not have to have triple bypass. Finally, to put last what should have been first, I remember periods in my childhood where my sisters and I would find something terribly funny about things that are not generally funny. We'd get to laughing and we would not be able to stop. I remember our parents rolling their eyes when this happened. It must have been as perplexing to them as your children's hilarity over the fall of Rome is to you!