Sunday, September 06, 2009

My Poor Nerves

We had a guest priest at church today. Instead of a sermon, he gave a lecture on the history of church architecture and the symbolic significance of various features of the building and furnishings. He was a good speaker, and I was enjoying his talk very much when he held up a small golden replica of the Cathedral Notre Dame. He handed the little cathedral to the acolyte at the end of the front pew and had her carry it around for every one to see. Then he talked a little more and brought out a little marble version of the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore (Florence, Italy). Then, to my horror, he called Travis up to carry the little cathedral around the church. And, just to prove that my worries are Not always baseless, Travis Did drop it. I think he might have tripped over a wheelchair tire, but he is so klutzy it could have been anything. I gasped quite loudly and then looked away until Travis had finished walking around and was back in his pew. The lady behind me whispered that it had fallen on carpet, so it was okay. So it wasn't until we got home that I found out that it did break, and that Travis held the pieces together (with shaking hands, according to Ed) while he showed it to everyone. I am torn between feeling terrible that I didn't know, so I could have apologized to the priest (though Ed says he did), and feeling awful for poor Travis, who was pretty upset by the experience. Most often church leaves me feeling refreshed and strengthened, but every once in a while it just wears me out.

Afterward, during the coffee hour, the woman who had sat behind us and commented on the carpet (if only she had been right!) asked if I would be willing to organize the Christmas pageant this year. As she had just generously given me two books I needed for our history studies, I was feeling sort of obligated. Plus, since we only have two other regularly attending families with children, it is my turn to do the pageant. But I have no dramatic talents and zero leadership ability. So I waffled. She encouraged me to take a few weeks and think about it. So I'm thinking. Anyone have a great pageant for six children?

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