Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lap Rug -- Check!

I finally finished that knitted lap rug for the church's gift to the retirement home.  I've been putting it off because I wasn't quite sure how the stitching together of the pieces was going to go, plus I'm a procrastinator.  Turned out not to be difficult (that is to say, sticking the pieces together by the slapdash method I invented wasn't difficult -- doing it Properly, so that the back side of the piece would have looked tidy probably would have been much harder!), but quite time consuming.  Hours, in fact.  I would have been bored stiff except that I remembered this site I bookmarked a little while back, Academic Earth, which has lectures and lecture series given by professors at places like Yale, Harvard, Princeton, etc. for free!  How cool is that?  I've wished for years that I could go back to college and just attend lectures for the interesting courses, but somehow skip the papers and tests (and, of course, the admissions and paying for things part!), and now my wish is granted!  So I pieced my ever-so-slightly uneven pieces together, thusly...

and listened to four lectures by Dale B. Martin on New Testament History and Literature.  He is good enough that even Ed, who was sitting nearby, enjoyed listening. 
The lap rug is not really as stretched out and misshapen as it looks.  I guess I didn't drape it properly over the back of my chair.  It looked neater after I washed & dried it, but the stitches are still not very even.  And those are the colors from Ed's high school, back in Butler, N.J.  With luck they'll give it to some old soul whose eyesight is very, very poor.

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