Saturday, June 08, 2013

Our Week

These are from last Sunday's spaghetti dinner/talent show fundraiser at church. The kids worked hard and made quite a bit of money. 
Here Travis is helping chop onions. Lots of onions. Onions so potent that my eyes were still stinging hours later. But he didn't complain. And the meatballs were excellent!

Katie making rolls.

 Travis talked some of the other kids into drawing on mustaches. To go with the Italian theme.

 Travis helping set the tables.


Katie carrying salads.

Several weeks ago the church held a rummage sale, and these mirrors were among the things that didn't sell and were still in the fellowship hall looking for homes. I had expressed an opinion about them, but the Lord of the Manor made an executive decision when he found he could get them both for the five dollars he had in his pocket. Harry approves!

Our fat cat....

 and one of our family of rabbits.

We finished the Teaching Company series Origins of Great Ancient Civilizations this week and started in on Bob Brier's History of Ancient Egypt. It is terrific! Katie tended to doze during Ancient Civilizations, but Bob is so animated and enthusiastic that he holds even her attention! I'm so glad. And he keeps mentioning Herodotus, which is lovely because we started Jeanne Bendick's Herodotus and the Road to History this week, and next week we are starting in on John White's The Boys' and Girls' Herodotus. I'm a bit disappointed with White's lack of pictures and maps, but it otherwise looks very good.

Today, after lunch, we went to Stone Mountain. It was a bit chilly but very lovely.

Travis, working on getting to the sliding part of the falls. We've had a lot of rain lately, and Widow Falls was running faster and deeper than I've ever seen it. The air around was full of spray, and the water was absolutely icy!

Gold! (not really) Katie found lots of pretty rocks and shared them with me.

My poor frozen child trying to defrost in the sun.

 (His sister is better able to stand the cold water. She'd have stayed for hours!)

Katie. Under the falls.
 There she is!

 A close-up.

Ed. So cool.

And the rhododendrons are in bloom! Absolutely beautiful.

And, obviously, ice cream!

Ed takes such artistic pictures!

 It was a lovely afternoon!

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