Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Summer Rituals

We dropped Travis off at camp on Sunday. It is a fairish drive, but after quite a few years of it we have a routine. Approaching Old Fort I remind Ed that a rest stop would not be unwelcome, and he comments that I always say that as we are coming up on Old Fort. And he stops for me, because he is a good husband. Three hours, each way, on the nose. It's a very pretty drive.
 Travis, making his name tag. The tricky bit is threading the yarn through the hole in the wooden name tag disk.

The shirts this year are particularly nice!

Katie is really looking forward to her week of camp, at the end of July.

I'd say we're having a quiet week without Travis, but he never makes much noise anyway, so there's not a noticeable difference in that sense. But I miss seeing him around the place!

Ed taught Katie how to run the lawnmower. She did a fine job on the back yard. And virtue is being rewarded for once -- her friend, who was expected to be unavailable all week, came over this afternoon and is staying for dinner.

And the summer sorts of flowers are blooming.

And I'm reading.

And also these...

And I'm ignoring some things I should be doing. Maybe I'll do them tomorrow!

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