Monday, October 06, 2008


Our hs book group met at our house today, and it went very well. I don't think Travis was the only kid who was pleased that we are finally reading books again. I'm told that the younger kids had a little trouble with "conflict" and "theme," but they were discussing Mr. Popper's Penguins, which doesn't Have much conflict, and "theme" is perhaps a challenging concept for early elementary students. The older kids did a fine job with Thimble Summer, though Travis needed several reminders that our class does not need a clown.

The afternoon was spent at the dentist's office. Both children remain cavity free, which must be a testament to lucky genes, as it certainly can't be attributed to their dedication to brushing. Katie put on an unnecessarily dramatic performance after tasting the sealant was being applied to four of her teeth, but the hygienist was a marvel of patience. I got a few minutes with my new Comstock Handbook of Nature Study, and we found a place to buy a burn barrel (for burning branches and leaves) on the way home from the dentist, so all told it was a pretty fine day.

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