Katie got to be an acolyte today! Here she is, looking all grown up and serious. As you can see, the robe had to be bloused out considerably so that she wouldn't trip over it, but all went well.
She was so excited. We had to keep reminding her that she has to be serious when she is wearing her robes.
Travis was a good big brother and helped her. Aside from one iffy part when someone (and I don't know what they were thinking) handed her the cross and expected her to lead the children out for Sunday School before the homily. She didn't know what to do and just stood there looking puzzled. But then she got directions and did just fine.
Ed took the camera and went for a little drive last week. This is a little dam just up the road from our house. The leaves are still more green than otherwise, so I am hopeful that they won't all be gone before Thanksgiving.
Yesterday we spent most of the day at church at an event they called Harvest of Arts. It involved members of the congregation bringing crafts and art they have made, and also singing, acting, and poetry. And food, of course. One woman set up her basket making equipment and showed several lovely baskets in progress, and another had a display of the beautiful rugs that she designs and makes. There were paintings, photographs, wood carvings, dulcimers and fiddles, etc. A very brave and kindhearted woman brought materials for cutting designs into blocks of linoleum and making printed cards. Katie had a marvelous time with this, and still had all ten of her fingers when she was done. (I had to let Ed supervise her, as watching her with that sharp tool made me too nervous.)Travis did not do crafts. He kept checking on the food. Obsessively. Until the kitchen ladies finally had mercy on him and let him help. Then he was quite happy.
After she finished with her card making, Father Blanck walked Katie through her acolyte duties in the Sanctuary and showed her how to carry the bell properly (quietly). Then she disappeared. When it was time for the singing/poetry/reader's theater portion of the evening I found her with a couple of the other girls.Here. What a surprise.
This is the view from the front of our church. Isn't it pretty?
And this was my view in the opposite direction.
Just lost that peaceful, serene feeling, didn't you!
In other news, we started ancient history this week. I've been putting it off, dabbling in a little American history, mostly because I knew it would be time consuming. And it is. But Travis mostly enjoyed his independent reading, Katie loved the Usborne Ancient Egypt book I read her (though she keeps calling it China), and they were both pleased when we actually did a craft.

Congratulatons to Katie for a job well done. Your church has a beautiful mountain view. And it looks like you all had a very nice day!
We did! Thank you. The beauty of the drive up to church does help make up for the distance.
Congratulations to Katie.
Great post. I love the pictures. Just beautiful.
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