Wednesday, August 16, 2006

This is not What I hoped to Post Today.

Devastation and despair.

I came home from my last inspection to find Ed on the phone with the inspector. The house is a disaster, apparently. The inspector sent us a preliminary report, and his findings included an inch of water in the basement, faulty wiring, water than stopped working after a few minutes, both chimneys messed up, water leaking in through cracks in the front porch, and, possibly, a shallow, contaminated well located too close to the drainfield. We talked to the realtor, and he suggested that sellers could put money in an escrow account for repairs. This seems like an interesting possibility to me, but Ed won't even consider it. I think he is secretly pleased, and is now looking forward to looking at small, newer houses located in subdivisions where all the houses look the same.

Packing seemed overwhelming before, and now it's worse. Even my story from last night, about how T. asked for a haircut and I gave him the cutest haircut ever and how later he continued his grooming in private, using the razor Ed had used on his sideburns to shave off a section of his eyebrow, has lost its humor for me. I know I never really had that house, with the beautiful hardwood floors and spacious rooms, but I am completely devastated at having lost it anyway.

A few good jokes (or bad jokes) would be greatly appreciated.


Cherrypie said...

What a blow, Melora. You poor things. But still, better to find out now than in a weeks time when all your hard-earned savings are being rapidly eaten up and you're stuck in a crumbling house.

Fate will step in when you least expect it and deliver the perfect house to you when you have stopped looking. Get yourself over here in the meantime. There's plenty of room in my Shed and I've got industrial amounts of Lego just crying out for Travis to play with - don't forget to bring your cookie tins xx

Melora said...

Awwww, thanks Cherrypie! Ed doesn't have a passport and mine is expired or we might very well show up as the new occupants of your shed! (Didn't you once post that there are mushrooms in there, or am I confused?)
Travis recently discovered standard sized Legos (we've only ever had the big pre-school variety due to swallowing hazards) and is just wild about them.

Melora said...

HA! What you haven't realized yet is that we are going to do our planning while living in Jim's lovely garage!!!

Melora said...

Bar the door and refuse to let Judy, the BuyOwner closing person, or the movers in on Friday. What do you think?

Jules said...

Oh Melora! I am so sorry! I know what it's like to be so excited over a house and then have it fall through. It stinks!!!

Keep your hopes up- there is something better out there for you!

CeCe said...

That sucks! I loved that house! Are you going to have to rent now?

Melora said...

I don't know What we are going to do. I Really liked that house, and I've checked the internet (which I already know is entirely useless for finding houses anyway), and I can't find anything else in that area that we can afford. There are a couple interesting houses in Alabama, but we wanted some snow. I know it doesn't reflect well on me, but I'm actually still harrassing Ed about refusing to even try the realtor's idea of having the sellers set up and escrow account to fix the house. I'm sure they really wouldn't agree to anywhere near enough to fix what needs fixing, but he could at least humor me. Of course, since I know they Wouldn't allow enough to fix the mess, it would be a waste of time we can't afford. I don't know What to do. Ed is being reasonable, and right now that is bugging the heck out of me.
I'm thinking more along the lines of squatting (which, for you non-U.S. readers, means camping out on someone else's property, not crouching in an ungainly position) rather than renting. Ed thinks we will drive up to NC with a suitcase full of money and miraculously discover a perfect, affordable, vacant house, which we will be able to have inspected and close on in a day or two.

hornblower said...

Oh Melora, I'm sorry! The right house WILL just pop up. Have faith.

Here's a joke for you.
A guy is driving around Newfoundland and he sees a sign in front of a house: "Talking Dog For Sale."

He rings the bell and the owner tells him the dog is in the backyard. The guy goes into the backyard and sees a Labrador retriever sitting there.

"You talk?" he asks.

"Yes, I do," the Lab replies.

"So, what's your story?"

The Lab looks up and says, "Well, I discovered that I could talk when I was pretty young. I wanted to help the government, so I told CSIS about my gift and in no time at all they had me jetting from country to country, sitting in rooms with spies and world leaders, because no one figured a dog would be eavesdropping. I was one of their most valuable spies for eight years running. But the jetting around really tired me out, and I knew I wasn't getting any younger, so I decided to settle down."

"I signed up for a job at the airport to do some undercover security wandering near suspicious characters and listening in. I uncovered some incredible dealings and was awarded a batch of medals. I got married, had a mess of puppies, and now I'm just retired."

The guy is amazed. He goes back in and asks the owner what he wants for the dog.

"Ten dollars," the Newfie says.

"Ten dollars? This dog is amazing. Why on earth are you selling him so cheap?"

"Because he's a liar - he never did any of that shit."

Dy said...

I don't know how many people told us not to get emotionally attached to a home before we actually closed on it. But HOW can you put in an offer and pay money to make it yours, if you can't see your family in it - if you don't fall in love with images of the children in the breakfast nook, or hubby in the den, or mornings on the porch? Gah. It's a painful irony, it is.

The plus side, (sort of) is that we felt that way more than once. There will be another home that will capture your imagination and your heart, and that one will be yours. Honest injun.


Melora said...

Good one, Hornblower! We got a good laugh at that one.

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