Saturday, August 25, 2007

Crafts and Stuff

I told Ed this morning that I had one goal for today, and that was to order pictures from Shutterfly for his parents (which means I have to upload pictures to Shutterfly). Guess what I didn't get done today!

I did color with K., do a whole lot of laundry and picking up the house, cooked some meals, and figured out (with help from my marvelous friend Diane) what to do with the Sunday School class tomorrow morning. And I don't know what happened with the rest of the day. I'll definitely get those pictures ordered tomorrow!

Did I mention that our new grammar books came Friday? Don't they look wonderful? All sunshiny yellow, and with such a Wonderful title! "Diligence" is just what we need around here, and those boys on the cover look so industrious and cheerful. I just know that we will make great strides in grammar this year. (And before you ask, Daddy, Christian English is just like any other English. I can hear you scoffing all the way up in Maine!).

K. and T. made get well cards on Thursday for Ed's father, who just had cataract surgery. Don't you love K.'s technique with the stapler? Ed helped her make a kite today, but we will have to wait for some wind to see if it works.

The Bible reading that I needed to use for the Sunday School class tomorrow was about the "narrow gate" and how many will try to enter buy few will succeed. I was having trouble figuring out how to get a nice 20 minute lesson for the kids out of this one, so I called my friend (and the kids' Godmother) Diane, who has many years of teaching Sunday School under her belt. We came up with a cute little "lift the flap" craft, where the kids can draw what they think is on the other side of that narrow gate. No deep theology, but I'll leave that to the parents and keep to construction paper, crayons, and glue sticks. Oh, and we're going to sing about the Wise Man who Built His House Upon the Rock ("and the rains came tumbling down"), because that is one of K.'s favorites and she promised to teach it to any children who might not know it.

**This is how our trusty school mascots spend their time, when not assisting with poetry recitations.

***Yes, that does seem to be a smiling piece of pizza on the other side of T.'s "narrow gate." I could ask him about it, but sometimes it is just best to leave these things alone.

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