Sunday, April 12, 2009

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the Home Edition

This is what Travis and Katie spent Saturday working on. If Travis had told me he was making a movie, I might have tidied up. Or at least told him not to film in the messiest areas. But he didn't, so there is our clutter for all the world to see. Also, I Am teaching him spelling, grammar, and capitalization. And when he is doing school work he can usually manage to get these things right. But he didn't save the "rough draft" version of the movie, and by the time I watched it and saw all the mistakes in the titles it was too late to fix things. So try not to let the "typos" bother you (and know that I am flinching with you!) and Enjoy!


Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

Very nice!
And I could just see Hollywood having a "Chiken Killers Productions" spelled just that way!

Melora said...

Thanks! That is one of his deliberate misspellings. He says it is "artistic."