Saturday, February 19, 2011

Good Stuff

It's been a pretty good week here.  Even Ed's tooth is improved, though it gave him an awful time earlier in the week.  After several academically abysmal weeks, things are looking up.  Travis passed the Bridge in the middle of Fred (Pre-Algebra 2 with Economics) which he had been stuck at for what seemed like forever, and is on to lesson 22.  I think Travis and I have got the hang of 3rd declension verb conjugation (present system only, thank you) in Latin, though I am having trouble translating sentences with prepositions.  I had a scare with Travis's science this week, thinking that the math in the Prentice Hall Physical Science book was going to be too advanced for him, but I've looked again more carefully and I think we'll be fine (though I did go ahead and order the teacher's edition of his book, so I can read along with him, answers at the ready!).  Katie has loved her science this week (NOEO Physics II) -- this week's "assignments" have just been readings and activities from Gizmos & Gadgets.  We've made a catapult, a pendulum, and a marble slide.  And they all worked!

The kids are memorizing Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken" now, but for Monday they did Rosemary & Stephen Vincent Benet's "Miles Standish" (if you follow the link, go a little over half way down the page and you'll see the poem).  They did it better in front of the group on Monday, but this gives the idea...

And Katie's marble run...

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