Thursday, March 01, 2012

Happy Birthday, Ed!

Today is Ed's birthday. He isn't old.
Katie gave him candy. I gave him underwear and candy (and a subscription to the WSJ, but that wasn't wrapped). My parents gave him shirts, pants, dates, and baklava. He was very pleased.

Katie decorated the cake (except the writing. I did that. She could have done it, but she wanted to let me do something.)

Travis stood around looking cool. Katie and I just can't seem to get that right, so Travis has to be cool for all of us.

And then, because we love him (and because it was a gorgeous day) we left Ed to have a peaceful afternoon and went off to Stone Mountain with my parents.
 My dad showed us nature stuff, so it counted as school as well as phys. ed.
This is a trout lily.

This tree is eating a sign. Doesn't it look a bit like a goblin?
Maybe you had to be there.
And this is a rock.
We thought we'd go to the lower falls as well as the middle falls, but the stream was high and the stones (which apparently are supposed to serve as a bridge) were low, so we made do with just one falls.
 My dad saw a place where he thought trout might lurk.  And neither of the children fell in, which was nice.

And when we got home Ed was glad to see us and I made him a delicious early dinner, so as to allow him "room" for cake later tonight. Because we need his cake eaten before Katie's birthday on Sunday!

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