Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Back to the Books

We are supposed to be on vacation this week (the children are, that is. I never managed to get my planning done, so I knew I'd be working!), but there is too much reading that needs to be done by August 13th for us to wait until the 6th to start. But this week we are just reading history. Well, and some "literature." But that is all. No Latin, science, or logic until next week, and no math or anything else (except writing for Travis, who has one more week of his summer program to finish) until the next. Sounds positively decadent when I put it like that, eh?

As well as the reading, we are watching "start of the 20th century" videos. We started, over the last two nights, with My Fair Lady. What a wonderful movie! And we'll follow that up with videos from Netflix on the San Francisco earthquake, the Victorian empire, Henry Ford, the Wright brothers, the Panama canal, Typhoid Mary, and Horatio's Drive. What fun!

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