Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Feeling Grateful

 We are studying World War II this week (as we did last week, and will do next week). Even with the stories of amazingly heroic people and with just peeking at the Holocaust out of the corner of our eyes, as it were, this is a tough period to read about. Katie is reading about the miseries of life in Siberia, in The Endless Steppe, and keeps marveling at how awful it was. Travis's literature group is discussing To Kill a Mockingbird, with its depictions of racism. It all makes us realize how privileged we are, with our comfort and security.

(Travis only has Stalin and Hitler this week because he was a bit of a slacker last week. This week is going much better.)

I'm reading Eric Metaxas's Bonhoeffer now, in honor of our history studies. It is a new angle on the war for me and, though I can't say it casts the mass of the German people in a sympathetic light, it is interesting, and Bonhoeffer is certainly an inspiring figure. My "walking" book now is Winter King , by Thomas Penn, which is on Henry VII. Not the most lovable man (Henry, not Mr. Penn), but the history is fun! Finally, of course, I am reading The Hobbit aloud, in honor of the upcoming movie!

And I forgot to post (or take) jack-o-lantern pictures last week, so here, a little shriveled, they are!
 Travis's is modeled on the text face that indicates (I think) irritation.

And, lest we forget..... Emma.

A portrait in self-satisfaction.

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